About me

Welcome to my website!
I'm a passionate freelance software engineer with over 10 years of experience,
specializing in backend development, JVM languages, infrastructure, cloud technologies, and developer experience.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work on diverse projects, from building scalable and robust backend systems to designing and implementing efficient cloud architectures. My expertise lies in JVM languages such as Kotlin and Java, where I have honed my skills to deliver high-quality, maintainable code.

My focus on infrastructure and cloud technologies allows me to design and deploy scalable solutions that leverage the power of platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. I strive to optimize performance, reliability, and security, ensuring that applications are well-architected and future-proof.

Another area of specialization is developer experience. I strongly believe that a smooth development workflow and well-designed APIs are essential for efficient and enjoyable software development. I work closely with teams to streamline processes, improve code quality, and enhance collaboration, resulting in increased productivity and overall satisfaction.

As a freelance software engineer, I offer my expertise to clients looking for reliable and experienced support in their software development projects. I am passionate about delivering solutions that exceed expectations and meeting project milestones within agreed timelines.

My skills


  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Shell


  • Spring (Boot, MVC, Security, Data, JDBC, Cloud)
  • Axon
  • Java EE
  • VueJS
  • Playwright
  • NodeJS
  • JUnit
  • KoTest
  • Selenium


  • GitLab(CI)
  • GitHub (Actions)
  • Gradle Enterprise
  • Jenkins
  • SonarQube
  • Nexus
  • Rundeck
  • TeamCity
  • Artifactory

Logging & Monitoring

  • Log4j
  • Logback
  • Datadog
  • Bugsnag
  • Graylog
  • Icinga
  • Grafana
  • Loki
  • Prometheus
  • InfluxDB


  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • MongoDB
  • MS SQL


  • Docker
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • k8s

Configuration Management

  • Puppet
  • Salt
  • Ansible
  • Terraform


  • Keycloak
  • Pair/ensemble programming
  • TDD
  • DevOps
  • Agile · Scrum · Kanban

What others say about me

  • "I had the good fortune to work with Sandra at BRYTER. Even though we were on different teams, our paths would often cross, as Sandra would typically work on cross-functional topics.

    After joining BRYTER, Sandra dived deep into the authentication and authorization system. She was incredibly quick in building up knowledge and made sure we would benefit from more self-service features, be ready for scaling up and keep up with the frequent security releases. When Sandra rotated into the internal developer experience team, her passion for developer experience topics became apparent. She could play out her strength in Java, Kotlin, Spring Framework, Testing, Operations, Build Tools, Continuous Integration and Continues Delivery techniques, and made a lasting impact. For example, her continuous contributions to cross-team programming sessions and her work in speeding up build pipelines, have made a positive impact on developer productivity.

    In my experience, Sandra would not actively seek the limelight, but her actions speak louder then words. I was always impressed by Sandra’s willingness to step-up and take on difficult topics, her ability to find the most fitting solution, but most importantly doing so in close collaboration with stakeholders and peers. Her supportive nature and focus on tangible results consistently shine through. And with her vast experience in working remotely, Sandra has shown how effective and connected a team member can be, regardless of location.

    Since her time at BRYTER, Sandra has ventured into the world of freelance software engineering. It's clear to me that her journey is one of continuous growth and adaptability, especially in her pursuit of enhancing developer experiences in teams everywhere. For anyone in need of a skilled and dedicated software engineer with a deep understanding of the nuances of developer experience, ready to get her hands dirty, I recommend starting a conversation with Sandra!"

    Niklas Lochschmidt, Senior Software Engineer at Enode
  • "Sandra is a great person, colleague and developer. I worked with her for almost two years and was very happy to have her on my team.

    She is an excellent senior engineer who finds good and maintainable solutions, cares about clean code, architecture and understandable tests. Furthermore she contributes with her ideas and attitude to improving the team she is working on and the entire company culture.

    Her numerous contributions had a huge positive impact on the developer experience at BRYTER and the way our processes, tools and also the product look today.

    It was a pleasure to work with her and I was able to trust her fully with any task she took on.

    I believe, that Sandra is a great addition for any team. She is able to understand complex problems and systems quickly, asks helpful questions and finds workable solutions with respect to requirements and context. Furthermore, she provides technical leadership and guidance for the people around her and cares for her colleagues."

    Tobias Mende, Consultant for Engineering Leadership & Developer Experience
  • "Already when getting to know Sandra during the recruiting phase at BRYTER, I was impressed with her deep knowledge and a seeming ease with which she could explain complex technical topics.

    Then having Sandra on the team, proved to be an awesome luck, as she showed a very high level of pro-activeness, immediately took ownership of a critical subsystem and made it so much better. All with minimal supervision and support.

    When that system was under control, Sandra didn't stop and stagnate, but rather switched gears and became a major contributor to pushing Continuous Deployment and Delivery at BRYTER, all while increasing the overall developer experience for every Engineer across all teams.

    I'd love to have the chance to work with Sandra again and any can count themselves lucky.

    Benjamin Reitzammer, Chief of Staff at i22 Digitalagentur
  • "I highly recommend Sandra as a software engineer. I had the pleasure of working with her briefly at Gradle, and it was a fantastic experience.

    Sandra's collaborative approach and strong team-player mentality made our pairing sessions highly productive and enjoyable. Her technical expertise, particularly in the areas of CI and DevXP, was evident as she consistently proposed and worked through best practices.

    Sandra's positive attitude and passion for software development make her a valuable asset to any team. I have no doubt that she will continue to thrive and make significant contributions wherever she goes."

    Júlio Zynger, Lead Software Engineer at Gradle Inc

My experience

Gradle GmbH

Jan 2023 - Mar 2023

At Gradle, I was a valuable member of the developer productivity team within the Gradle Enterprise department. Throughout my tenure, I achieved significant milestones.

In collaboration with the team, I successfully fixed and enhanced the Salt stack setup, ensuring efficient and reliable infrastructure management.

I played a crucial role in investigating and resolving an authentication issue between Artifactory and CloudFlare, ensuring seamless and secure access to the necessary resources.

Additionally, I effectively resolved a Docker incident, swiftly addressing any challenges and maintaining a stable container environment.

Furthermore, I contributed to the development of a mapping and display feature that showcased code and team ownership in TeamCity jobs, providing enhanced visibility and facilitating streamlined collaboration.

Working in this dynamic and impactful role at Gradle was a rewarding experience, where I actively contributed to the developer productivity ecosystem.


Jun 2020 - Jul 2022

At BRYTER, I contributed to the development of a no-code SaaS platform for automating complex content. I created a solution that improved support engineers' access to tenants, enhancing customer assistance and productivity. By extending the administrative interface, users gained self-service capabilities for content management, resulting in a smoother experience.

As Tech Lead for the authentication team, I implemented robust security measures to safeguard our product and user data. Collaborating with the infrastructure team, we managed and maintained multiple production clouds across platforms, ensuring stable and reliable systems.

Through streamlined processes and enhanced system architecture, we achieved an impressive 90% reduction in pipeline times. This boost in development efficiency enabled faster delivery of new features and updates.

Furthermore, I spearheaded cultural and technical changes, facilitating automated continuous deployments for 60 developers across 15 teams. This shift increased development agility and productivity.

I enjoyed the collaborative and dynamic environment at bryter, where innovative solutions were consistently delivered with a strong focus on quality.

synyx GmbH & Co. KG

Jun 2013 - Feb 2018

As a Software Engineer at synyx GmbH, I played an integral role in a cross-functional team specializing in the development of pricing and routing applications for a logistics customer. I also actively contributed to the operations team, ensuring smooth project execution.

During my tenure, our team achieved significant milestones together. We successfully separated a legacy tool into distinct routing and pricing applications, greatly improving functionality and maintainability. Collaborating closely with my colleagues, we undertook the rewrite of the pricing tool, seamlessly integrating it into the customer's modern landscape and expanding its feature set.

Additionally, I took charge of overseeing and administering the continuous integration toolchain, optimizing the development process.

Throughout my experience at synyx GmbH, I provided guidance and supervision to students' project papers and theses, contributing to the growth and development of aspiring software engineering professionals.

Cluetec GmbH

May 2012 - May 2013

During my time at cluetec I was a member of an agile development team. Our primary focus was on developing tailor-made solutions in the areas of enterprise portals, web systems, and mobile apps.

I developed the backend and web frontend for a trade fair mobile app, ensuring seamless user experience and functionality, and was responsible for the maintenance and feature development of a legacy Windows application used for industrial test rig configuration. This involved resolving issues, implementing enhancements, and ensuring the application's compatibility with evolving technology landscapes.

Working closely with the team, I actively participated in agile development practices, contributing to the successful delivery of high-quality solutions to our clients.

My experience at cluetec was instrumental in shaping my skills as a software engineer and provided me with a solid foundation in developing innovative solutions for diverse business requirements.

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